Julie McGuire Pet Photography

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I hope everyone is settling into the new year after enjoying a wonderful holiday season. I feel that my new WORK year only just started after enduring a three day power outage last week but thank you to REC and their tireless workers for eventually getting us back on the grid! With snow, however, comes some great opportunities for photographing your pets, as long as you, and they, are willing to get a little cold and wet. Here are a few tips to get crisp, wonderful wintery shots:

  1. Take your camera off AUTO and set a FAST SHUTTER SPEED (at least 1/1000 sec) to freeze and capture your pets and snow in action.

  2. Avoid blue or grey, dull images by setting the White Balance on your camera to CLOUDY or FLASH (or adjust in post production).

  3. Shoot in the best possible available light, like an hour or so before sunset when the sun is lower and illuminating your pet straight on, versus from above.

Happy snapping and stay warm! And if you have any pet photography questions, please feel free to email me.
